



(1) 印鑑變更掛失申請書


(2) 資料變更申請書

(3) 境內 / 境外基金扣款轉帳授權書



(1) 為了保障您的權益,請務必注意留存於本公司之統一證號須與您在本公司所約定之銀行扣(匯)款帳戶證號相符,以免造成扣款失敗或贖回款及配息款被退匯。

(2) 請注意年度稅務申報之統一證號與留存本公司資料是否相符,以免影響自身權益。




【The Notice for Changing Client’s Personal Information Relating to New UI No. for Foreign Nationals】

The Ministry of the Interior has replaced "New UI No." format for Foreign Nationals and the format has been implemented since 2 January 2021. You can get more information from the website of the Ministry of the Interior.

1. Once you have applied for your New UI No., please prepare the latest UI No. related document, passport and original seal to mail to our company or take the follow document to our company to change your account information.

(1) Original Seal Change Application Form

If you require to change your basic information or change your account, please also provide below applications:

(2) Beneficiary Information Change Application Form

(3) Onshore / Offshore Fund Transfer Authorization Form


2. Please be reminded of the followings:

(1) For your own rights, please ensure your UI No. shall be the consistent with your designated bank account to avoid error processing for the subscription and redemption/dividend payment operations.

(2) Please note that the new UI No. left for filing the tax should be the same as the information kept in our company to protect your rights.


Should you have any questions, please call our customer service number: (02)8770-9828.

Allianz Global Investors
