感謝各位熱愛繪畫的人士支持及參與「Art on Climate」國際繪畫比賽,比賽已經成功結束。
「Art on Climate」國際繪畫比賽由十點子有限公司主辦,安聯環球投資贊助,目的是喚起各界對緩解氣候變遷的關注。
比賽主題: | 主動彩繪 與地球共好_氣候變遷 |
參賽資格: | 18歲或以上(含)*所有地區熱愛繪畫的人士均可參與 |
報名時間︰ | 2024年5月20日至7月31日(包括首尾兩天) |
公佈得獎名單︰ | 2024年9月30日前 |
獎項︰ | 有機會贏取高達2,000歐元* |
參賽費用︰ | 免費 |
* 詳情請瀏覽條款及細則。
首屆「Art on Climate」國際繪畫比賽於2019年在西班牙舉行,並於2021年及2022年延伸至包括亞太區在內的全球多個地區。在2023年,比賽吸引了來自超過全球100個地區,逾1,600名繪畫家提交超過2,800份作品。延續去年的成功,繪畫比賽2024年繼續在亞太區舉辧,邀請熱愛繪畫人士與學界展現才華,向世界各地推廣緩解氣候變遷的重要性。
贊助這項比賽的安聯環球投資,20多年來,始終是全球永續投資的領跑者,一直致力提倡永續發展,並體現於企業的使命及決策當中。自2007年,安聯環球投資成為聯合國「責任投資原則」(UN PRI)的簽署成員,我們致力尋求符合永續發展原則,並有助因應全球性挑戰的投資方案;我們深信,此舉不但有助推動金融領域的正面變革,同時能為客戶及整體社區帶來永續發展的益處,配合2024年的繪畫比賽主題,我們邀請各位攜手創造更美好未來。
- 建設強韌社區 適應氣候變遷
面對日益嚴重的氣候變遷,社區的適應能力和風險抵禦能力至關重要。建立具復原韌性的社區,不僅能協助我們應對氣候變遷的直接衝擊,同時有助於我們正視未來的不確定性。 - 愛護地球 界定承載極限
為確保地球保持穩定和健康,我們必須界定「地球限度」,就是人類消耗環境的限制,透過識別和尊重這些限制,以採取負責任的行動,防止對生態系統和氣候造成不可逆轉的傷害。 - 創造長期價值 培育共融未來
培育包容性資本主義致力兼顧財務回報和社會影響力,藉此建立一個公正及永續的社會。這種方法鼓勵企業和投資者優先考慮創造長期價值、環境永續性及社會責任。透過擁抱包容性資本主義,我們可以塑造一個更包容和平等的未來。 - 應用科技 擁抱創新方案
在推動永續發展及面對氣候變遷的迫切挑戰方面,科技創新發揮著關鍵的作用。透過先進技術,我們能夠鼓勵他人積極改變日常生活習慣,共同塑造更美好的未來。 - 攜手行動 應對氣候變遷
- 參賽作品必須為參賽者以個人名義提交之原創作品,並須配合比賽主題(須選取其中一句或多句參考句子)
- 每名參賽者最多可提交三份參賽作品
- 參賽作品不得於參加本比賽前被發表或作其他用途,不得曾獲獎項、或正在參加其他比賽評選
- 不可於作品上添加簽名,或能識別參賽者身分的文字、符號或圖片
- 參賽作品必須為平面及彩色
- 創作媒介不限(如手繪、電腦繪畫、混合素材),惟不接受任何使用AI人工智慧生成的創作,及不得使用相片或電腦軟體上之圖案(clip art)
- 參賽作品的尺寸必須為A3(297mm x 420mm),直、橫式均可
- 參賽作品格式必須為JPG,解析度不低於300 dpi,文件大小不超過10MB
- 每份作品須提交一段文字說明(最少30字,最多100字)
游勇先生為十點子有限公司創辦人、「Art on Climate」國際繪畫比賽的主辧人。
鄒超,畢業於新加坡國立大學李光耀公共政策學院,曾任職於網易、騰訊等知名網路公司,目前擔任新加坡亞洲藝術協會主席。 他將自己的多元背景與對藝術的熱愛結合,致力於推動「生活中處處是藝術」的理念。 他深信,藝術不應侷限於畫廊和舞台,更應滲透於日常生活的方方面面,成為生活的一部分,激發人們對美的感知與追求,並推動社會進步。
Benny Lau 是一位屢獲殊榮的設計師,涉獵多個領域。同時也是經驗豐富的繪本畫師,及獨具創意的繪本作者。
Benny 還是一位活躍的創意教育工作者和社會創新設計師。同時也是「澳門兒童館」的共同創辦人,也創立了「好一天繪本見」社區發展項目。
在上海成立自己的工作室 – 祉澗視覺藝術工作室,主要從事廣告插圖、主視覺插圖、概念插圖等設計,並以運用插畫為主的品牌視覺設計。
# 評審團將根據總分為100分的評分標準,選出最高分數的53名得獎者,當中最高分數者將依次獲得冠軍、亞軍和季軍,其餘50名將獲優異獎
如有任何疑問,請聯絡主辦單位 – 十點子有限公司︰artonclimate@fingertips.hk
- 參賽者必須在報名表格上提供真實和正確的資料,如有遺漏或不符事實,十點子有限公司(「主辦單位」)保留權利取消其參賽作品的參賽資格。
- 參賽者於2024年5月19日當日的年齡須為18歲或以上,才符合資格參賽。
- 安聯環球投資(「贊助單位」)及/或其關聯公司、主辦單位及/或其關聯公司的員工,及其家庭成員及與該等員工居住在同一住所的人士,均不能參賽。
- 參賽作品必須為參賽者以個人名義提交及從未發表的原創作品。如參賽作品被主辦單位認為涉及抄襲、著作版權侵犯及/或違法行為,其參賽資格將被取消。
- 主辦單位保留全權及絕對酌情權作出判斷,如參賽作品包含危險、粗俗、冒犯、不雅、淫穢、非法、種族主義、色情、暴力、誹謗、貶低、不適當、有爭議,或政治宣傳的內容,將被取消參賽資格。
- 參加比賽的風險由參賽者自行承擔。在法律允許的範圍內,主辦單位和贊助單位均不會對參賽者或任何第三方,因由比賽引起或相關,及/或因接受獎品而遭受的任何損害、損失、責任、成本、費用或索賠(無論是合同、侵權或其他方式)承擔任何責任。
- 參賽費用全免,惟所有涉及之製作及提交作品等費用一概由參賽者承擔。
- 每名參賽者最多可提交三份作品,但最多只能獲得其中一項獎項。額外提交或逾期提交的作品將不獲受理。
- 作品一經提交,任何情況下均不能更換。
- 不完整、難以辨認、誤導或逾期提交的參賽作品將不獲受理。發送證明不會被視為送達或收據的證明。對於不完整、由於技術原因丟失、損壞、延遲、錯誤提交或因任何原因未收到的參賽作品,主辦單位不承擔任何責任。
- 如主辦單位認為參賽者顯然以任何方式規避上述條款及細則,例如但不限於使用多個電子郵件信箱、多次複製或電腦合成作品、使用多個身分、欺詐性地偽造數據、涉及詐欺或不誠實行為,或以其他方式違反條款及細則,參賽者將被取消參賽資格,任何獲得獎品的權利將無效。
- 比賽結果以評審團之最後決定為準,參賽者不得異議。主辦單位保留全權及絕對酌情權,以撤銷參賽者或參賽作品的參賽資格,及/或撤回獎品。
- 比賽結果將於2024年9月30日或之前公佈,主辦單位將透過參賽者在報名時提供的電子郵件信箱通知得獎者。參賽者須提供有效電子郵件信箱,因此為主辦單位聯絡參賽者的唯一方式,參賽者應檢視其電子郵件信箱(包括垃圾郵件信箱)。
- 獎品將以歐元,以現金形式,透過電匯(匯款)發放至得獎者的銀行帳戶。當主辦單位向得獎者發出電子郵件通知,得獎者須於該電子郵件日期的一個月內,向主辦單位提供以下資料:身分證明文件副本,以及得獎者為帳戶唯一持有人的銀行帳戶資料。如得獎者未能在此期限內提供所需資料,該得獎者將被視為放棄獎品,主辦單位保留撤回獎品的權利。現金獎品將在主辦單位收到所有所需資料後兩星期內匯入上述銀行帳戶。
- 得獎者有責任在提供接受獎品資料時,提交正確及最新的詳細資料。對於任何因得獎者未能提供準確資料而影響獎品接收或發放的情況,主辦單位或贊助單位均不會承擔任何責任。
- 現金獎品將以歐元發放,得獎者須提供以歐元計價的帳戶資料,以獲得現金獎品。否則,歐元現金獎品將以匯款當日應用的匯率,兌換成得獎者銀行帳戶的計價貨幣,因此,有可能會受匯率波動、稅項及其他適用的費用和收費影響。
- 主辦單位將負擔匯款費用,惟得獎者將負擔(如有)其他相關費用和稅金、帳戶所屬銀行收取的衍生費用,及其他銀行所在地因相關財務程序產生的費用。主辦單位將在完成匯款後通知得獎者,但得獎者收取現金獎品的時間可能取決帳戶所屬銀行的處理流程和其所在地的財務程序。
- 主辦單位保留權利核實得獎者並要求提供身分、年齡、地址和其他資料證明,並在有合理理由認為存在違反條款及細則的情況下撤回獎品。
- 主辦單位、贊助單位,及其關聯公司保留權利將提交的作品全部或部分複製、發佈、或使用,包括但不限於推廣宣傳、展覽、教育用途,而毋須取得參賽者之同意或繳付任何費用。
- 參賽者同意其作品,以及其姓名及所提交的文字說明,可能會於網上作品展中供公眾瀏覽,而不會獲繳付任何費用。
- 參賽者參加比賽,即授權主辦單位、贊助單位及其關聯公司在全球範圍內,有永久的、不可撤銷的、非獨佔的、可轉讓的、免版稅的、可轉授的權利和許可,以使用、複製、修改、改編、發布或展示(全部或部分)其作品中包含的任何智慧財產權,而無需版稅、付款或其他補償。每位參賽者均同意不再主張對此類使用享有任何精神權利,並保證他們擁有授予此等權利的全部權利。
- 主辦單位保留解釋及修訂比賽規則,和條款及細則的權利,而毋須作事先通知。
- 參賽作品一經遞交,即表示參賽者同意遵守比賽的條款及細則。
- 所收集之個人資料只供比賽之用,包括但不限於聯絡參賽者及發放獎品,資料(包括參賽者的個人資料)將由主辦單位於比賽結束後保留六個月,之後會被銷毀。
- 如果發生超出主辦單位合理控制範圍並妨礙主辦單位遵守條款和細則的行為、遺漏、事件或情況,主辦單位將不對任何未能履行或延遲履行其義務承擔責任。
- 對於系統錯誤或其他可能導致接收參賽作品及/或向得獎者發送通知或獎品的中斷、延遲或失敗的問題,主辦單位不承擔任何責任。
- 如本條款及細則的任何條款被確定為非法、無效或無法執行,則應將其從本條款及細則中分離和刪除,其餘條款及細則將繼續有完全效力。
- 主辦單位和贊助單位保留權利,在其合理控制範圍以外的任何不可預見情況或技術原因下,取消、修改、撤回、終止或暫時中止比賽,而毋須對任何參賽者或第三方承擔任何責任。
- 如條款與細則與任何其他通訊(包括但不限於廣告或推廣素材)有任何衝突或不一致,將以條款及細則為準。參賽者將被視為已接受並受此等條款及細則所約束。
- 如條款及細則的英文版本與其他翻譯版本存有歧異,均以英文版本為準。
- 如比賽引發的任何爭議(包括但不限於有關條款及細則的解釋和適用的爭議),主辦單位的決定將是最終的、決定性的和具有約束力。
- 比賽和條款及細則,以及由此產生的任何爭議,均受香港法律和香港法院的非專屬管轄。
- Participants must provide true and accurate information on the entry form. Fingertips Company Limited (the “Organiser”) reserves the right to disqualify any entries in cases where, in our opinion, any information provided is inaccurate or has been omitted.re, in our opinion, any information provided is inaccurate or has been omitted.
- To be eligible for participation, participants must be aged 18 or above as of 19 May 2024.
- Employees of Allianz Global Investors Asia Pacific Limited (the “Sponsor”) and/ or its affiliates, the Organiser and/ or its affiliates, and all those living in the same households as those employees are not eligible to participate in the competition.lds as those employees are not eligible to participate in the competition.
- All entries must be original, submitted on an individual basis, and have not been previously published on any occasion. An entry will be disqualified if the participant is considered by the Organiser to have committed plagiarism, infringement of copyrights and/or violation of any laws. dered by the Organiser to have committed plagiarism, infringement of copyrights and/or violation of any laws.
- Any entries that the Organiser considers, in its sole and absolute discretion, that it contains material that is dangerous, vulgar, offensive, indecent, obscene, illegal, racist, pornographic, violent, defamatory, disparaging, inappropriate, controversial or that promotes political interests will be disqualified., pornographic, violent, defamatory, disparaging, inappropriate, controversial or that promotes political interests will be disqualified.
- Entry into the competition is at the participant’s sole risk. To the extent permitted by law, none of the Organiser and the Sponsor accepts any responsibility for any damage, loss, liabilities, costs, expenses or claims (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) suffered by participants or any third parties arising out of or in connection with the competition and/or accepting a prize. any damage, loss, liabilities, costs, expenses or claims (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) suffered by participants or any third parties arising out of or in connection with the competition and/or accepting a prize.
- No entry fee is required. However, participants are solely responsible for all expenses incurred in preparing and submitting their work(s).
- Each participant may submit up to a maximum of three (3) works, but would only be entitled to one of the prizes. Additional or late entries will not be accepted.
- No substitution of work will be allowed under any circumstances once the entry has been submitted to the competition.
- Incomplete, illegible, misdirected or late entries will not be accepted. Proof of sending will not be accepted as proof of delivery or receipt. No responsibility can be accepted for entries that are incomplete, lost due to technical reasons, corrupted, delayed, wrongly delivered, or not received for whatsoever reason. for entries that are incomplete, lost due to technical reasons, corrupted, delayed, wrongly delivered, or not received for whatsoever reason.
- If it becomes apparent that a participant is using any means to circumvent the above conditions such as, and without limitation, multiple email accounts, multiple reproduced or computer-generated entries, using multiple identities, fraudulently falsifying data, acting fraudulently or dishonestly in the opinion of the Organiser or otherwise acting in violation of these Terms and Conditions, these participants will be disqualified, and any prize entitlement will be void.computer-generated entries, using multiple identities, fraudulently falsifying data, acting fraudulently or dishonestly in the opinion of the Organiser or otherwise acting in violation of these Terms and Conditions, these participants will be disqualified, and any prize entitlement will be void.
- The results of the competition are subject to the final decision of the panel of judges. No objections by participants will be entertained. The Organiser retains the right at its sole and absolute discretion to revoke the participants’ or their works’ qualifications and/or withdraw their prizes.s sole and absolute discretion to revoke the participants’ or their works’ qualifications and/or withdraw their prizes.
- The result of the competition will be announced by 30 September 2024 and the Organiser will notify the winners by email via the email address provided by the participant at the point of entry. Participants must provide a valid email address as this is the sole channel for the Organiser to contact the participants. Participants should check their email inbox (including the junk and spam mail folders).point of entry. Participants must provide a valid email address as this is the sole channel for the Organiser to contact the participants. Participants should check their email inbox (including the junk and spam mail folders).
- The prize will be presented in form of cash in Euro by wiring to the winners’ bank account. Once the Organiser has sent out notifications of prize-winners by email, the winners need to provide the following information to the Organiser within one (1) month from the date of the Organiser’s email: a copy of their identification document together with the bank account details of an account where the winners are the sole account holders. If a winner fails to provide the required information within this timeframe, such winner will be deemed to have waived the entitlement to the prize and the Organiser reserves the right to withdraw prize entitlement. Once the Organiser has received all the required information, the cash prize will be remitted to the bank account mentioned above within 2 weeks. need to provide the following information to the Organiser within one (1) month from the date of the Organiser’s email: a copy of their identification document together with the bank account details of an account where the winners are the sole account holders. If a winner fails to provide the required information within this timeframe, such winner will be deemed to have waived the entitlement to the prize and the Organiser reserves the right to withdraw prize entitlement. Once the Organiser has received all the required information, the cash prize will be remitted to the bank account mentioned above within 2 weeks.
- It is the responsibility of a winner to provide correct, up-to-date details when providing their information for the acceptance of the prize. None of the Organiser or the Sponsor can be held responsible for any winners failing to supply accurate information which affects prize acceptance or delivery of their prize.iser or the Sponsor can be held responsible for any winners failing to supply accurate information which affects prize acceptance or delivery of their prize.
- The cash prize will be issued in Euros. Winners should provide details of their bank account denominated in Euro to receive the cash prize. Otherwise, the cash prize in Euros will be converted into the denominating currency of the winners’ bank account at the exchange rate applicable on the date of the remittance and may therefore be subject to exchange rate fluctuations, taxes and other applicable fees and charges.ll be converted into the denominating currency of the winners’ bank account at the exchange rate applicable on the date of the remittance and may therefore be subject to exchange rate fluctuations, taxes and other applicable fees and charges.
- The Organiser will be responsible for all remittance fees, while the winners will be responsible for, if any, other relevant fees and taxes, derivative costs charged by the account holding bank and other charges arising from the relevant financial procedures in the location of the bank. The Organiser will notify winners when the remittance process has been completed, but the time at which winners receive their cash prize may be subject to the administration process of the account holding bank and the financial procedures operating in their specific locations.unt holding bank and other charges arising from the relevant financial procedures in the location of the bank. The Organiser will notify winners when the remittance process has been completed, but the time at which winners receive their cash prize may be subject to the administration process of the account holding bank and the financial procedures operating in their specific locations.
- The Organiser reserves the right to verify winners and ask for proof of identity, age, address and other information provided by the participants and to withdraw prize entitlement where there are reasonable grounds to believe there has been a breach of these Terms and Conditions.nt where there are reasonable grounds to believe there has been a breach of these Terms and Conditions.
- The Organiser, the Sponsor and their affiliates reserve the right to copy, publicise or make use of the submitted works in full or in part and in any form, including but not limited to promotion, exhibition, education purposes, without the consent of the participants or payment of fees of any kind.ited to promotion, exhibition, education purposes, without the consent of the participants or payment of fees of any kind.
- Participants agree that their works may be put on display in a virtual exhibition for public viewing, together with their names and the short description provided without any fee being payable.e being payable.
- By entering the competition, each participant grants the Organiser, the Sponsor and their affiliates a world-wide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty free and sub-licensable right and licence to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish or display (in whole or in part) any intellectual property contained in the content of their works, without royalty, payment or other compensation. Each participant agrees not to assert any moral rights in relation to such use and warrants that they have full authority to grant such rights.transferable, royalty-free and sublicensable right and licence to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish or display (in whole or in part) any intellectual property contained in the content of their works for the purpose of promotion, exhibition and education without royalty, payment or other compensation. Each participant agrees not to assert any moral rights in relation to such use and warrants that they have full authority to grant such rights.
- The Organiser reserves the right to interpret and amend the rules, and the Terms and Conditions of the competition, without prior notice.
- Upon submission of entries, participants agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions of the competition.
- All information collected by the Organiser is for the purpose of the competition only, including but not limited to, contacting participants and distributing prizes. The information (including the personal information of participants) will be kept for six (6) months by the Organiser after the end of the competition, after which it will be deleted.tion (including the personal information of participants) will be kept for six (6) months by the Organiser after the end of the competition, after which it will be deleted.
- If an act, omission, event or circumstance occurs which are beyond the reasonable control of the Organiser and which prevents the Organiser from complying with these Terms and Conditions, the Organiser will not be liable for any failure to perform or delay in performing its obligation.onditions, the Organiser will not be liable for any failure to perform or delay in performing its obligation.
- The Organiser accepts no responsibility for system errors or other issues that may result in disruption to, delay or failure in receiving entries and/or sending notifications or prizes to winners. prizes to winners.
- If any clause of these Terms and Conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect.itions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect.
- The Organiser and the Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, amend, withdraw, terminate or temporarily suspend this competition in the event of any unforeseen circumstances or technical reason outside their reasonable control, with no liability to any applicants or third parties.chnical reason outside their reasonable control, with no liability to any applicants or third parties.
- These Terms and Conditions prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with any other communications, including without limitation, advertising or promotional materials. Participants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by these Terms and Conditions.s. Participants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
- In the event of any inconsistency between the English and translated versions in these Terms and Conditions, the English version will prevail.
- In the event of any dispute in respect of or arising from the Competition (including without limitation, dispute concerning the interpretation and application of these Terms and Conditions), the decision of the Organiser will be final, conclusive, and binding. Conditions), the decision of the Organiser will be final, conclusive, and binding.
- The competition and these Terms and Conditions, and any disputes arising therefrom, shall be subject to Hong Kong law and the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.